
Why Choose LiverIndia

At LiverIndia, we aspire to provide the best care and treatment available in medicine. We aim to assist and inform patients of preventative care, effective treatment plans, and complete management of illnesses that may lead to all kinds of eventualities; even palliative care and hospice support. We hope to elevate patient care to new heights and temper medicine with a holistic approach. We provide radical and inventive approaches which incorporate new-wave techniques and methods, also our organ transplant team is second to none and is led by the erstwhile Dr Karthik Mathivanan. Choose us as your one stop solution in your quest for better health.

International Patients

Our services are not limited to Indian patients but extend to international clientele as well. With skyrocketing healthcare prices and pricey insurance policies in many countries, LiverIndia intends to make your life easier by providing accessible health care that meets global standards and is compliant with all government norms. International patients are eligible for Digital consultation and telemedicine to get a leg up before any medical procedures. We also offer premedical counselling for patrons to understand their options.

Liver Transplant Treatment cost at LiverIndia

At LiverIndia

(Includes the pre-transplant evaluation, the surgery itself and the post-surgery recovery period of 2 to 3 months which includes, anti-rejection medication and constant monitoring.)

In Australia

(Average wait is 8 to 12 months, with pre-transplant treatment, procurement, hospital admission, Doctors Fees, procedural costs.)

In the USA

(Includes pre-transplant treatment, procurement, hospital admission, Doctors Fees, procedural costs, 180-day post-transplant care and immuno- suppressants fee.)

In Singapore

(The operation cost is for S$30,000, pre-surgical evaluation and post-surgical care, outpatient and in-patient treatment, hospital charges, lab tests and prescribed medicines.

In South Africa

(Transplant procedures are sketchy in South Africa, so patients need to be very careful before making a choice regarding liver transplant surgery.)

In Germany

(Highly regulated healthcare sector with high cost and low number of donors. Surgical treatment, medication and evaluation is also expensive and takes a long time)

Satellite Clinics

Awareness is an important aspect of leading a healthy life. At times our body indicates its ill-health revealing symptoms. LiverIndia has started an outreach program to extend affordable, modern, diagnostic treatment centres across the state of Tamil Nadu. At present we have established clinics at 11 districts with multiple leading local partner hospitals offering LiverIndia clinical facilities. Our parent facility directs patient diagnosis and prognosis and all outpatient processes. These clinics aim at minimizing problems with accessibility and are planned for extension throughout the Indian subcontinent in the coming future.

Organ Transplant

Our highly-skilled, widely experienced transplant team exercises the best practices and operates with a robust medical zeal. Transplants are offered for Kidney and Liver. Live donor organ transplants are undertaken with a high success rate.