Biliary Atresia


Bile is a yellow-brownish liquid produced by our body for aiding digestion. There are bile ducts that carry the bile from the liver to gallbladder. Biliary Atresia is a condition in which the bile ducts are underdeveloped in newborns and they remain blocked which leads to liver damage and cirrhosis.


It is a congenital defect with no known cause.


This condition lies dormant till the second or third week. In the first month of development, the baby may normally gain weight and then drastically lose weight and become moody.

Risk factor

Many factors can prove lethal for this disease.


Physicians conduct the examination on the baby to check for extended liver first. Further methods are employed for confirmation.


Surgical treatment is proposed called the  Kasai procedure which is used to reconnect normal flow through the liver to the ducts in the gallbladder within the first 8 weeks. A liver transplant might be performed later.