Know Your Liver


Liver is the largest organ in your body just about the size of a football. It is located in the right upper abdomen below the rib cage and sits just above the diaphragm. Liver has about 500 functions. Its primary function involves processing food after digestion, removing toxins from your body, such as alcohol and drugs and combating infections.

Symptoms of liver disease

Symptoms could vary depending the nature and extent of disease. The most common symptoms are

Types of Liver Disease


Certain parasites and viruses can affect the liver cells and result in inflammation of the liver otherwise known as hepatitis.  The most common liver infections are

Auto-immune disorders

When the body’s own immune system attacks the liver it can lead to auto-immune disorders.  Some examples are

Genetic disorders

Accumulation of harmful substances in the liver due to an abnormal gene inherited from either of your parents can result in chronic liver damage. However rare these genetic disorders can be fatal.

Cancers and other growths

Other external factors  causing liver damage

Risk factors for liver disease

Keeping your liver healthy



Viral Hepatitis

Drugs and Toxins